Sunday, September 10, 2006

What -- No pictures?!?

No pictures on this post but they are only a click away. Came across two REALLY neat pieces of software for mapping rides.

The first is at [Update: an even cooler version is at that includes the ability to create an elevation profile -- the fun never stops].It allows you to find your part of the world, right down to street level, and to then mark a route you have travelled (however) and to see how long that trip was.

Then you can save that walk or ride and use a cute piece of software called "TinyURL" to store a web address (i.e. the URL) in way that isn't 4,328 characters long. The shorte version comes out like this: instead of{HbwowT?{aCpdW?{eWcAh@~cC

Then there's Google Earth... if it's not on your computer you are missing the coolest thing I've seen in years! Load it up and you can see anywhere on earth... like you were in a magic helicopter. Can't really describe it... you just have to try it.

Gotta love the Internet!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

quantifier verifiable absurd pushes notified gksa squibb boaventura reminder tweet might
lolikneri havaqatsu