Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Ultimate Recumbent Bike Carrier...

After much much thought and research we have found what we think is the best allround bike carrier for the EZ-3 and the Jett Creek.... it looks like this.

Obviously we needed a new vehicle too as our newest wheels were only 11 years old but we have been struggling with a way to keep the 'bents clean and safe while we travel and this sure fits both of those bills.

The length of the recumbents makes it hard to put them laterally behind a vehicle and the only way to put them "in-line" is essentially to have a separate trailer on a hitch. We don't really have any place to store a trailer and bikes exposed on a trailer are always at some level of risk of being stolen or damaged. The trick in this van is being able to get the 2nd and 3rd row of sets out of the way almost instantly. They fold into the floors! The Chrysler "Stow 'n Go" system works like this...

Both middle and back seats disappear into the floor and that leaves us a huge open area that is 50 - 66" wide and almost eight feet long... way more length than we need for the recumbents but also gives us tons of room for suitcases and Penny's Mary Kay Commando kit.

So now we can run into Red Deer or Calgary and bike on their excellent cycle trails, we can take the bikes to the Okanagan on a holiday, or we can leave the van as is and have a great way to travel with family and grandkids... got to love it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.